The first field to be completed is the Subject Code. This is a Code for the Subject that will be displayed during the creation of the timetable.
Note: The Subject Code is restricted to 5 alphanumeric characters.
The Subject Code is a unique field. Thus, the user can not register two Subjects
with the same Code. Should the user try to save a Subject with a Code that
already exists, the Error Screen below will be displayed:
If the user deletes the Subject Code and Left Click on the Update button (), the Error Screen below will be displayed, indicating that not all of the Required/Compulsory fields mentioned have been entered.
Should the user enter a Valid Unique Subject Code and proceeds to Create a NewSubject by Left Clicking on the Update button (), the Error Screen below will be displayed, indicating that not all of the Required/Compulsory fields have been entered.
The Subject Description is a unique field. The implication of this being that the user cannot register
two Subjects with the same Description.
Should the user try to save a Subject with a Subject Description that already exists, the Error Screen below will be displayed:
Should the user enter a Valid Unique Subject Code and a Valid Unique Description, the Subjectinformation can be saved by Left Clicking on the Update button.