
Backup and Restore

Backup and Restore


1. Backup
The Backup option gives the user the option to make a Backup of the current Database.
The Backup is made by Left Clicking on the Backup button.
The screen below will be displayed while the Backup is being created:
If this action was successful, the Backup Notification message below will be displayed indicating that a backup was created.
The Backup File will be displayed in the list of Backups that are available.


2. Restore
The Restore button will not be available when the Backup and Restore page is initially opened.
Select a Database Backup from the list of backups by Left Clicking on the specific database backup in the list.
The line in the list will turn Blue indicating the selected database.
At the same time the Restore button will become Active.
Left Click on the Restore button.
WARNING: All current data will be replaced by the data from the Backup file.
The screen below will be displayed while the Backup is being restored:
When the Restore action completed successfully, the Restore Notification screen below will be displayed.


3. Download
When a Backup is made, the backup file is stored on the hard disk of the server, the same directory where the Tswela TimeTable system is installed.
The Download function must be used if copy of the backup is to be stored on another location (memory key, local C:/ drive etc.)
Note:     A Download can only be done once a Backup was made.
The Download button will not be available when the Backup and Restore page is initially opened.
Select a Database Backup from the list of backups by Left Clicking on the specific database backup in the list.
The line in the list will turn Blue indicating the selected database.
At the same time the Download button will become Active.
Left Click on the Download button.
The File Save Dialogue Screen below will be displayed.
Select the Save File Option.
The file will be downloaded to the Downloads Folder on the Local Machine.


4. Delete
Note:     The Delete action will be used to maintain the List of Backup files.
The Delete button will not be available when the Backup and Restore page is initially opened.
Select a Database Backup to be deleted from the list of backups by Left Clicking on the specific database backup in the list.
The line in the list will turn Blue indicating the selected database.
The Delete button will now be active.
Left Click on the Delete button.
The system will give an indication that the Backup File was deleted from the list of available Backup Files.


5. Upload
The Upload option gives the user the option to Upload a Backup that was made on a different location (for example a DVD, memory key etc.).
The Upload is done by Left Clicking on the Browse button.
The File Selection Dialogue Screen below will be displayed.
The user can now browse to the location where the Backup files are located and then Upload the applicable database by Opening the file.
The System will give an indication that the Backup File was Uploaded successfully.
Once the Backup file has been Uploaded it will be displayed in the list of available files.
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