
Add New Room

Add New Room

Expand Button

1. Expand Button
A New Room is added by selecting the Expand button to the Left of the Building Code. When this is done the list of Rooms that have been Created for the Building will be Displayed.
The following are required/compulsory fields:
(i)     Code
(ii)     Description
(iii)     Capacity
    The Required/Compulsory fields must be completed as this is critical information that will be used during the creation of the timetable. The user will not be able to
                  save a New Room’s information if these fields are not completed.
Should the user attempt to create a new Room, by selecting the Update button (), and the fields have not been completed, the system will also indicate that these are Required/Compulsory fields ().


2. Code
The first field to be completed is the Room Code. This is a Code for the Room that will be displayed during the creation of the timetable.
Note:      The Room Code is restricted to 5 alphanumeric characters.
    The Room Code is a unique field. Thus, the user cannot register two Room with the same Code. Should the
    user try to save a Room () with a Code that already exists, the Error Screen below will be displayed:
Should the user not enter Room Code and Left Click on the Update button (), the Error Screen below will be displayed, indicating that not all of the Required/Compulsory fields have been entered.


    The Room Description is a unique field. The implication of this being that the user cannot register two Room with the same Description.
Should the user try to save a Room () with a Room Description that already exists, the Error Screen below will be displayed:
Should the user enter a Valid Unique Room Description and a Valid Unique Description, the room information can be saved by Left Clicking on the Update button ().


4. Capacity
This is an indication of the number of pupils that a room can accommodate
Note: The field is reserved for use in future versions of the system.

Add New Room

5. Add New Room
Once all relevant Room Information has been captured/changed, the information can be Saved by Left Clicking on the Update button ().
Should all required information have been captured correctly, the Room will be added to the list of rooms.
The Notification Screen below will be displayed, indicating that the new Building Information was saved successfully.
Left Click on the OK button to acknowledge the Notification.    


6. Cancel
The user can Cancel the Current Add Action by selecting the Cancel button ().
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