
Sorting Rooms

Sorting Rooms

Sorting Rooms According to Code

1. Sorting Rooms According to Code
The list of Rooms can be sorted according Code, Description and Capacity. Sorting the list of Rooms according to the Column Headers mentioned above is done as follows:
(i)     Select the applicable Column Header by Left Clicking on it. 
(ii)     As soon as this is done  an Up Arrow () will be displayed. The order can be changed from Ascending to Descending by Left Clicking on the Column
         Header for a second time. A Down Arrow will be displayed (). 
(iii)     All of the other Column Headers can be used to sort the Rooms list in the same manner.
(v)     It is possible to use a combination of more than one of the Column Headers for sorting purposes.
(vi)     If the user for example wants to sort the Rooms List according to Code and then Description, it is done as follows:
(a)     Left Click on the Code Column Header. As soon as this is done  an Up Arrow () will be displayed.
(b)     Move the Cursor to the Description Column.
(c)     Press an hold the Shift Key and then Left Click on the Description Column Header.
(d)     When this is done, the screen below will be displayed.
(e)     As can be seen the Up Arrow () will is displayed in the Code column and the Description column.
(f)     The Room List will now be sorted firstly according to Code and then secondly according to Description.
(h)     Any combination of sorting criteria can be setup between any or all of the columns in the Room list.
(i)     The sorting criteria is removed by pressing and Holding Down the CTRL Key and then Left Clicking on the Column Header(s) that should not be part of the
        Sorting Criteria.
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